My family and my biggest supporters at my graduation at the University of Michigan.
In the Big House with my brother. If you couldn't tell, I am the biggest Michigan fan around!
My name is Kelsey Lafferty and this is my third year at Eberwhite Elementary. I am so honored to continue to work for the Ann Arbor Public Schools Family and especially the Eberwhite team. I am a graduate of the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Arts in Education. I did student teaching at Burns Park Elementary in fourth grade, taught in Shigaraki, Japan and I have also taught summer school in Kalamazoo Public Schools in fifth grade. I will be starting my master's degree back at the University of Michigan this fall, 2017, pursuing a degree in Educational Leadership and Policy. Forever Go Blue! I LOVE teaching and learning from students each and every day. In my classroom, students are part of a family where they are trusted and respected. I hold high expectations for my students as we learn and grow together! I look forward to our exciting adventure together in fifth grade! At the B10K in Chicago, Illinois summer 2015!